Walkers is a leading international law firm. It provides legal, corporate, fiduciary and compliance services to global financial institutions, investment banks, capital markets participants, Fortune 500 corporations, arrangers, promoters and managers, Magic Circle and AmLaw 100 law firms, accounting firms, partnerships, trust companies and other fiduciaries. Walkers is consistently ranked in the top tier of law firms by all leading global legal directories, including the Chambers and Partners Global Guide 2022, which ranks Walkers in 10 Band One practice areas.
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Neil McDonald Partner
Patrick Ormond Partner
Rajah Abusrewil Group Partner
Andrew Chissick Senior Counsel
Catherine Outerbridge Associate
Kevin Taylor
Adam Bathgate
Sarah Demerling
Natalie Neto
Nicole Tovey
Peter Dunlop
Senior Counsel:
Nathalie West
Rachel Nightingale